You are in a significant transition period. You have the desire to contribute more positively to this world. You want to clarify your long-term project and deploy a medium and short-term strategy to create it.
I love the mantra: “Expect miracles.” It reminds me how the Universe always supports me at the right time.
I often encounter miracles when I step out of my daily routine; I slow down; I get out of my solitude and accept being challenged.
I know how precious these moments outside of time are for expanding, so I created THE WISE EXPANSION program. In 3 days in an inspiring environment in Paris, I will help you change of paradigm and propel you into a world where anything is possible.
Participants in The Wise Expansion program describe a before-and-after experience that changed their view of themselves and their potential to contribute to this world.
For three days, I host a small group in an inspiring place.
Together you experience three different energies.
- Wonder: I drop the veil of illusion on your past difficulties and paradoxes. You take a different look at your history and open your mind and heart to new possibilities.
- Amplitude: I allow you to connect to your sensitivity, your heart qualities, your intuition and your creative force to initiate new projects in the service of society.
- Inner Temple: I create a space at the border of the conscious and unconscious mind from which you can access the “wise” in you and co-create your next level of expansion.
If you feel lonely
If you feel too different
If you lack clarity
If you feel less than
If you feel like you are going in circles
If you want to contribute to a better world
Did you check off at least one of these sentences? Then The Wise Expansion program is for you!